Beat The Cold: How To Prep Your Gas Heater For Winter

by | Mar 31, 2023

To keep you and your family warm throughout the cold upcoming winter months, it’s important that you have a fully functional and reliable gas heating system.You do not want to be caught off guard by your gas heater failing you when you need it most!

Here are 4 things you simply have to do if you want to make sure that your gas heating doesn’t let you down.

1. Service Your Gas Heater

Gas heaters need to be serviced periodically to ensure they are fully functional, capable of delivering heat and warmth as efficiently as possible.

A proper gas heating service will include checking the gas supply’s state, the switches’ functionality, and the gas connections’ security and soundness. A professional also needs to inspect various other working aspects of your gas heater to make sure that it’s fully functional.

Notably, a trained gas expert needs to service a gas heater, as there are various potential problems that could arise that a regular person may not be able to detect. A thorough understanding of the complexities inside a gas heater is required to ensure that it runs as efficiently as possible, keeping your heating costs to a minimum while also ensuring the safety of your family and property.

2. Keep Your Gas Heater Clean

Likely, you haven’t used your gas heater since last winter, so it may have collected a lot of dust and other debris, which may cause the gas heater to malfunction. This could not only impact your gas heater’s efficiency, but it could also pose a safety risk in that the dust or lint buildup could ignite, causing smoke or even a fire.

To clean your gas heater, dust it thoroughly by gently using a clean cloth. Ensure that the filters and burners are cleared of all buildup before switching the heater on.

3. Refresh Your Memory On The Operational Manual

It doesn’t hurt to refresh your memory on safe usage guidelines for your gas heater. Like any heating appliance, gas heaters can pose a potential safety risk if misused. Therefore, it is important that you are well-acquainted with gas usage safety protocols.

It’s recommended that you revise the safety operational manual that came with the appliance and ensure that all safety instructions are carefully followed. Maintain safe distances between the heater and surrounding furniture and decor like curtains or tablecloths to eliminate the risk of a fire.

If you’ve lost your operation manuals, you may find them online, or you could contact your local gas heater supplier to request a new one.

4. Rule Out Gas Leaks

Although gas leaks are fairly rare, their ocurrence could lead to a variety of serious health and safety issues. Among these risks are carbon monoxide poisoning and explosions. To ensure that your family and your property are not put at unnecessary risk, you should have your gas heating system checked for leaks as part of your gas heater’s servicing.

The distinct smell of gas is usually the first indicator of a gas leak, so pay attention to your nose. Even if it is subtle, you should call in a professional immediately to assess, advise and repair if needed.

For extra safety, installing a carbon monoxide alarm can help alert you to gas leaks, which will further provide you peace of mind.

At Wild Water Plumbing we can provide you with a full range of gas fitting services, including installation, servicing, certificates and repairs.To help ensure your gas heating is prepped and ready to keep you warm this coming winter, call the gas heating experts at Wild Water Plumbing today.