Water Leak Detection – why it’s worth it.

by | Apr 10, 2015

Is your home suffering from some pretty bad Sydney weather? As we locals know, the storm season can get pretty gruesome, especially in our Northern Beaches and North Shore regions on the Harbour. The areas closest to water seems to really attract the damage!

Not to worry, from the darkest hour and time of need to the simple need to check your plumbing isn’t causing unseen damage – We are here to help. Water leak detection and waterproofing are two of our most underrated services, but here’s the low down on why your property is worth it.

Option A. The Cost of Plumbing Maintenance:

Whether you are a retiree, first home owner or have a portfolio of investment properties, you have in common the cost that comes with plumbing maintenance on your asset. Maintaining your property retains its value and means you are less likely to face large scale problems due to unresolved telltale signs such as water leaks. Plumbing leak detection is a simple procedure that doesn’t take very long, but offers peace of mind. Repairs on water leaks detected by the plumber are never as costly as the havoc that water wrecks while it quietly seeps into the construction materials. Mould and weakened supports in your home are silent dangers.

We all have a responsibility to our environment to fix water leaks and preserve water where possible, after all it isn’t free! Consider the marginal cost of mending small water leaks by utilising water leak detection from your local licensed plumber. Book an appointment today to have peace of mind for the health and safety of your family.

TIP# You might have an apartment with certain plumbing problems that are managed through a strata management or body corporate group, which directly affects the cost of your plumbing maintenance work. You should consider whether the issue is specific to your property as mainline works is generally a shared expense.

Option B. The Cost of doing NO Plumbing Maintenance:

Everyone has heard the horror stories of a family friend/uncle/cousin who purchased a “doer upper” and ended up with an endless renovation bill and practically rebuilt their house. What you might not have considered is how long it might have taken that friend/uncle/cousin to find the water leak (link to water leak detection service page) if they hadn’t been renovating.

Water Leaks that go undetected are left to cause unlimited damage to your asset. Older homes in Sydney could be using galvanised iron pipes which are prone to rusting from the inside out, gradually becoming thinner and leaking. If left unattended, these leaks can get into the foundation of buildings, the framework, the electrical wiring and plaster work of your home – not to mention the mould! Mould is dangerous to your families respiratory health and thrives in dark and musty conditions – such as inside your walls. The  #1 cause of mould getting settled in your home is a water leak or inefficient water proofing!

It is easy to leave water leaks to the back of the list while they aren’t posing a direct and obvious threat to your family. The thing is, that it will almost always sneak up and bite your wallet and cost you time and money to fix a much larger problem. Getting in early with plumbing leak detection services offers your asset a chance to mend a small patch over forced unseen renovations. Call your local licensed plumber, Lucas at Wild Water Plumbing (link to contact page) to discuss your concerns and service your homes plumbing needs. (link to services page)